Practice Guidance A-Z

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Guidance related to children & young people

Latest advice for children’s services, education and schools

In Focus

Strategy Discussion Guidance

A practical guide about when strategy discussions should be held, who is involved and what needs to be considered.

In Focus

Child Protection Conferences

A guide to support professionals understand their roles and responsibilities at Child Protection Conferences.

In Focus

Obtaining Consent

An animated video for safeguarding professionals on when and how to seek consent from parents & carers.

Afghan Resettlement Support

Allegations against staff & volunteers

Assessment Protocol Hackney CFS

Babies Cry You Can Cope - ICON Resources

Bereavement Support in the City and Hackney

Bruises on Children NSPCC Guidance

Child Protection Conference Guidance

Child Sexual Abuse (Intra-Familial)

Obtaining Consent - Guidance

Curiosity Challenge Escalation

Safeguarding Disabled Children

Dispute Resolution Policy

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Elective Home Education Policy & Guidance

Exploitation & Adolescent Safeguarding

Fabricated or Induced Illness in Children

Faith, Belief & Harmful Practices

Fire Safety Guidance

GP Website City & Hackney

Information Sharing Advice & Guidance

Use of Interpreters Guidance

Media Guidelines for Reporting

Safeguarding in SEVEN - Working with Men

Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Modern Day Slavery Info & Guidance

Tackling Neglect Guidance and Toolkits

Online Safety - Technology and Social Media

Out of School Settings in Hackney

Plans - Best Practice Examples

Private Fostering Guidance, App & Resources

Professionals' Meetings Guidance

Preventing Radicalisation in the City

Preventing Radicalisation in Hackney

Safe Commissioning Standards

Safe Recruitment Standards

Safer Schools App for City Practitioners

Safer Schools App for Hackney Practitioners

Safer Sleeping Advice, Guidance and Resources

Strategy Discussions Guidance

Substance Misuse Services - Young Hackney

Think Child, Think Family, Think Safeguarding

Trafficked Children and Young People

Unregistered Educational Settings

Was Not Brought Guidance

Worried about a Child?

Wellbeing & MH in Schools

Young Carers