Learning & Improvement
The CHSCP Learning & Improvement Framework
The CHSCP operates a learning and improvement framework to enable agencies to be clear about their responsibilities, to learn from experience and improve practice as a result. The Independent Child Safeguarding Commissioner is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the learning and improvement framework through the CHSCP Quality Assurance Group. This ensures fundamental transparency on the interpretation and analysis of key safeguarding information, leading to meaningful challenge, change and impact in respect of performance and practice improvement.
Multi-Agency Engagement
Our ability to work together as an effective ‘multi-agency team’ continues to be the cornerstone of our local safeguarding arrangements. We all recognise that when do this well, our capacity to protect children from harm is enhanced and outcomes improved. Children are safer. Whilst we see good practice, some residual issues remain that require your particular focus as a safeguarding professional. Many will be familiar to you, but in line with the CHSCP’s priority on ‘basic practice‘ and the recent publication of the reviews into the tragic deaths of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson, I am sending this reminder to you all.
Case Reviews
Reviews published by the CHSCP
Seven Minute Briefings
A quick and simple way to share learning on a range of safeguarding topics
Safeguarding Self-Assessment
The CHSCP’s self-assessment & peer review process
Case Audits
Multi-Agency Case Auditing by the CHSCP
Child Safeguarding Statements
The CHSCP’s Child Safeguarding Statement process
Child Death Reviews
The regional process for learning from child deaths