Learning & Improvement

The CHSCP Learning & Improvement Framework

The CHSCP operates a defined framework that helps organisations and individual practitioners to learn and improve.  The Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this framework – primarily through the functions of the CHSCP’s Case Review and Quality Assurance Sub Groups.  For more information, please see the CHSCP’s written safeguarding arrangements.

Case Reviews

Reviews published by the CHSCP

Seven Minute Briefings

A quick and simple way to share learning on a range of safeguarding topics

Safeguarding Self-Assessment

The CHSCP’s self-assessment & peer review process

Case Audits

Multi-Agency Case Auditing by the CHSCP

Child Safeguarding Statements

The CHSCP’s Child Safeguarding Statement process

Child Death Reviews

The regional process for learning from child deaths