CP Procedures & Statutory Guidance

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

London Child Protection Procedures

Tri-x has released a range of resources on Coronavirus (COVID-19) via the London CP Procedures.  They cover Children Services, Safeguarding Partnerships, Local Authority Children’s Homes, Independent Children’s Homes, Independent Fostering Agencies, a Foster Carers Handbook, and Regional Adoption Agencies (guidance for Adults Services to follow).

London Child Protection Procedures

The London Child Protection Procedures are updated on a 6-monthly basis. The most recent update took place on 31st March 2021 and the changes can be viewed in the section Amendments & Archives. The next update will be the 30th September 2021 – or the nearest working day. Any comments or suggested changes for this update should be forwarded to Alison Renouf, London Safeguarding Children Partnership Manager (alison.renouf@londoncouncils.gov.uk) for the London Safeguarding Children Partnership, by 1st February 2021.

Click here to register for updates now. This will ensure that you receive automatic notification as soon as any changes are made to the site.

Working Together 2018

Statutory Guidance

Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020

Statutory Guidance

Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.

NHS Safeguarding

Policies, Procedures and Guidance

A range of material published by NHS England to help protect children, young people and adults in all communities.

Charities and Trustees


Guidance on what to do to protect people who come into contact with your charity through its work from abuse or mistreatment of any kind.

Schools, Colleges and Children's Services

Detailed Information

A range of statutory and non-statutory safeguarding guidance published by the government.