The City & Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership
Safeguarding Arrangements
The CHSCP Safeguarding Arrangements set out how safeguarding partners will work with relevant agencies to safeguard and protect the welfare of children in the area.
The Statutory Safeguarding Partners
The Statutory Safeguarding Partners have equal and joint responsibility for local safeguarding arrangements. The leadership role of the safeguarding partner is based firmly on the notions of authority to act and the accountability for action taken. Its purpose is to ‘remove the blockages, bureaucracy and organisational self-interest that bar the route to the effective and efficient delivery and practice of multi-agency services to protect and safeguard children.’ Wood Report 2021. Lead representatives of the Statutory Safeguarding Partners have scheduled meetings that include the Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner of the CHSCP.
The CHSCP Executive
The CHSCP Executive comprises senior officers that can speak with authority for the safeguarding partner they represent. They can hold their organisation to account, take decisions and commit them on policy, resourcing and practice matters. The Executive meets a minimum of three times per year. It is chaired by the Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner with a nominated safeguarding partner representative being Vice-Chair.
The CHSCP Executive Meetings
Published summaries of the CHSCP Executive meetings.
The Hackney SCP Board
The Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership Board comprises representatives from safeguarding partners and a number of relevant agencies and named / designated professionals. Other relevant agencies will be invited to participate / engage in the Hackney Board as and when required. The Board meets quarterly and is independently chaired by the Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner with a nominated safeguarding partner representative being Vice-Chair.
The City of London SCP Board
The City of London Safeguarding Children Partnership Board comprises representatives from safeguarding partners and a number of relevant agencies and named / designated professionals. Other relevant agencies will be invited to participate / engage in the City Board as and when required. The Board meets quarterly and is independently chaired by the Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner with a nominated safeguarding partner representative being Vice-Chair.
The CHSCP Board Meetings
Published summaries of the CHSCP Board meetings in the City of London and Hackney.
CHSCP Sub Groups
The CHSCP operates a number of sub-groups and thematic or ‘task and finish’ groups to manage key pieces of development work. There are three core sub groups that cover case reviews, quality assurance and training, learning & development.
Safeguarding Children Scrutiny Oversight Panel
The Safeguarding Children Scrutiny Oversight Panel provides strategic insight, collective oversight and coordination of scrutiny activity relating to safeguarding children in the City of London and Hackney.
City of London
Inter-Board Protocol
How the CHSCP works with other strategic boards in the City responsible for the safety, health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults.
Inter-Board Protocol
How the CHSCP works with other strategic boards in Hackney responsible for the safety, health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults.
Geographic Area
The geographic footprint covered by the CHSCP is defined by the boundaries of the City of London Corporation and the London Borough of Hackney. On occasions, it may be necessary for partners to work with another area’s arrangements, for example during a Child Safeguarding Practice Review commissioned by another area. Operationally, the London Child Protection Procedures include guidance for circumstances where a child and / or their family is living in another area or moving between areas.
Freedom of Information Requests
The City & Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership (CHSCP) is a statutory partnership in its own right set up under the Children Act 2004 and is not a public authority for the purposes of the FOI. It is therefore exempt from the duty to provide information under the FOI.
The General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. The GDPR forms part of the data protection regime in the UK, together with the new Data Protection Act 2018. You can find out more about GDPR here.
Website Privacy Statement
The CHSCP’s website privacy statement demonstrates our commitment to privacy and compliance with GDPR legislation. This covers the information gathering and distribution practices for this website.