Online Safety
Technology & Access to Social Media
With the growing use of technology and social media, all professionals need to adopt a much more sophisticated approach to their safeguarding responsibilities. They need to reflect on the changing nature of communication and how this impacts on practice issues, particularly those focused on the identification and assessment of potential risk. To do this successfully, professionals need to recognise that children and young people do not use technology and social media in isolation. Their offline and online worlds are converged and both need to be understood when trying to identify the type of support that a child, young person and their family might need. The importance of this escalates whenever there are concerns about children and young people suffering or being likely to suffer significant harm. In such circumstances, it is essential that both the offline and online risks are accurately assessed and effectively mitigated.
Safeguarding Handbook
This handbook provides safeguarding professionals with a range of tools that can help identify and mitigate any risks arising from a child or young person’s access to technology and / or use of social media.
Appropriate Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership’s minimum standards regarding the responsibilities of all staff and partners when using social media in a personal capacity.
Authorised Use Policy
Authorised safeguarding partners are required to comply with this Policy, Personal Use of Social Media Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.’s) for their particular role.